Visitor Information
Visitors can be good medicine for patients. Family members and friends are welcome to visit. However, patient care is our primary concern at Mizell Memorial Hospital. In order to enhance the quality of care, specific visiting hours and regulations are established for each unit.
Visiting Guidelines
Following are general guidelines for visitors:

Visitors may not smoke in patient rooms or anywhere on hospital grounds.
A "No Tobacco Policy" is in effect which includes the entire building, parking lots, sidewalks, and facility-owned property which includes medical office buildings located close to the hospital. *Visitors are allowed in most patient care areas until 9:00 p.m.

We ask that visitors keep the comfort of the patient in mind and limit the amount in the room to no more than two or three visitors at the time. Visitors in semi-private rooms should be considerate of both patients.

People with colds, sore throats, or any contagious diseases should not visit patients.

Visits should be kept short. Visitors should maintain a quiet environment and avoid unnecessary noise.

Visitors may be asked to leave the room during tests or treatments or when the doctor or nurse needs to see the patient.

Children under the age of 12 are discouraged from visiting in a hospital setting.

Patients have the right to restrict or refuse visitors.

A patient's physician may restrict visitors as a matter of well being for the patient.
Visiting Hours in Specialty Units

Patients having a surgical procedure are allowed visitors to accompany them.

Emergency Department patients are allowed one (1) visitor at a time. Other visitors may wait in the ED waiting room until they can swap with the other visitor.

Patients admitted to Med/Surg are allowed visitors.

ICU patients may have two (2) visitors present in the room at the same time. If the patient has more than two (2) visitors, they may wait in the ICU waiting room until they can swap with another visitor. To promote a restful night for the patient, only one (1) visitor may stay during the night after the facility doors are locked.
During shift change hours of 6:45 AM-7:15 AM and 6:45 PM-7:15 PM we ask that visitors remain in the patient’s room to protect private patient information.

Visitation guidelines for the Senior Behavioral Unit are as follows:
Patients will be allowed two (2) visitors at a time between 3:00 PM-4:30 PM Tuesday-Sunday.
Patients will be allowed two (2) visitors at a time between 1:00 PM-3:00 PM on Monday.